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Mastering ArchiCAD
35 hodinyIntroduction to Solidworks PDM
35 hodinyAutoCAD Electrical
21 hodinySolidworks for Industrial Automation
35 hodinyAdvanced AutoCAD Plant 3D
21 hodinyAdvanced SolidWorks - 5 Days
35 hodinyAutoCAD Plant 3D
14 hodinyAdvanced SolidWorks
28 hodinyCATIA V5 Fundamentals - 3 Days
21 hodinyAdvanced Blender: Python Scripting
7 hodinyIntroduction to Autodesk 3ds Max
14 hodinyIntroduction to Navisworks
14 hodinyOpenSCAD: Introduction to 3D Modeling
21 hodinySolidWorks
14 hodinyCATIA V5 Fundamentals
14 hodinyBlender: 3D Modeling Fundamentals
35 hodinyAdvanced AutoCAD
14 hodinyFundamentals of Digital Twin
14 hodinyNVIDIA Omniverse
14 hodinyApplying SysML with Magic Draw
24 hodinyLearning CATIA
14 hodinyMBSE with Automation
40 hodinyMBSE with Model Analysis
40 hodinySketchUp for Architecture
14 hodinyAgent Based Modeling (ABM) with NetLogo
21 hodinyCreating 3D Models with RealityCapture
21 hodinyModelica
14 hodinyAutoCAD: Beginner to Advanced
21 hodinyAutodesk Revit: Beginner to Advanced
14 hodinyCortona3D
35 hodinyPCB Circuit Design with Eagle
21 hodinyPCB Circuit Design with Altium
21 hodinyLast Updated:
Anil byl velmi chápavý a podrobně vysvětlil obsah kurzu. S více časem by byl výsledek kurzu lepší než uspěchat obsah, ale Anil je se softwarem velmi dobře obeznámen CATIA a je skvělým školitelem,
Jaydon - GRI Towers South Africa
Kurz - Learning CATIA
Machine Translated
Learning about the software
Peter - Coleg Cambria
Kurz - Blender: 3D Modeling Fundamentals
Učení všech věcí, kterým jsem nerozuměl.
Kurz - SolidWorks
Machine Translated
Znalost LIPS
Ion Jeman - Orange Moldova
Kurz - AutoCAD: Beginner to Advanced
Machine Translated
The trainer well prepared the course material beforehand and the session was very flexible and arranged to meet the trainee's interests. The management staffs were also around during the course to help us. The project was well managed in a friendly atmosphere throughout.
Kikuko Shoyama
Kurz - Repast - Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS)
Basic steps that are very useful when in schematic/ PCB workspace and presented Advanced features, actual demos to follow
hedda david - Allegro Microsystems Philippines, Inc.
Kurz - PCB Circuit Design with Altium
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