Návrh Školení
- Co je nového v C++ 17?
Aktualizace základních jazyků v C++ 17
Aktualizace knihovny v C++ 17
C++ Nejlepší funkce 17 pro jednodušší a čistší psaní kódu
Strukturované vazby a deklarace rozkladu
Init Příkaz pro if/switch
Inline proměnné
Constexpr pokud
Složit Expressionty
Odpočet argumentu šablony pro šablony třídy
Deklarování netypových parametrů šablony pomocí Auto
Shrnutí a závěr
- Zkušenosti s programováním v C++
Reference (2)
Good coverage of the topic
Steven Irrgang - Raytheon Australia
Kurz - Writing Simpler Cleaner Code with C++ 17
The trainer was very well versed in the subject matter being discussed, he impressed all of us with his knowledge and ability. I believe some of the examples may not have been planned (they were based on questions asked). However, you would never tell, as they were presented as if fully planned. The pace was good, there was plenty of time for questions, and the Trainer did really well in terms of interacting with those being trained.