Explore Our Courses
Selenium C# Test Automation
14 hodinyTest Automation with Selenium
21 hodinyIntroduction to Selenium
7 hodinySelenium for Victims of Manual Testing
14 hodinyAdvanced Selenium
14 hodinySelenium WebDriver in C#
14 hodinyAutomation Testing with Cypress
14 hodinyTest automation with HP UFT
21 hodinyTest Automation with Selenium and Python
14 hodinyAdvanced Selenium with C#
14 hodinyIntroduction to Model Based Testing
14 hodinySelenium with Ruby for Test Automation
14 hodinyTesting Angular Applications
14 hodinyCucumber: Implementing BDD with Java
7 hodinySelenium WebDriver Overview
7 hodinyUnit Testing with Javascript
7 hodinyWatir: Web Test Automation with Ruby
21 hodinyTesting React Apps with Jest
14 hodinySelenium with Jenkins and Docker
14 hodinyLast Updated:
Dobrý vztah, Łukasz měl čas na všechny otázky a byl schopen pomoci každému, kdo měl nějaký problém
Kelly Morris - Titian Software Poland Sp. z o.o.
Kurz - Selenium WebDriver in C#
Machine Translated
Všechno mě bavilo, protože je to pro mě všechno nové a vidím, jakou přidanou hodnotu to může vyznít v mé práci.
Zareef - BMW South Africa
Kurz - Tosca: Model-Based Testing for Complex Systems
Machine Translated
Many exercises, which gave a lot of practical skills.
Rafał Borek - Bytamic Solutions sp. z o.o.
Kurz - Automation Testing with Cypress
Practical time was fun.
Pieter Hartzenberg - BMW
Kurz - Unit Testing with Javascript
Analýza krok za krokem. Vysvětlení každého řádku kódu. Každý problém, který jsem měl během kurzu, byl úspěšně vyřešen a Łukasz mi řekl důvod. Líbily se mi také osvědčené postupy, které byly prezentovány. Nikdy jsem nebyl přesvědčen o stylu TDD - prostě mi to nepřipadá užitečné a nestojí za to. Łukasz poukázal na tolik výhod TDD, že to úplně změnilo můj názor.
Michał Uściński - Devapo Sp. z o. o.
Kurz - Testing Angular Applications
Machine Translated
Trainer is nice. His explanation is clear and interesting. He try to make the lessons interesting as possible. I enjoyed the lesson and gained a lot of knowledge. Thank you so much. The most useful technique I learned is the locating elements for different web component like textbox, radio buttons and buttons. Sometimes, the element ID is not capture correctly. We learned a different way of locating elements by using CSS selectors, XPath, Name and ID. I like the explanation. Thanks
Bee Chin Chuah - I-Access Solutions Pte Ltd
Kurz - Advanced Selenium with C#
As mentioned the last hour we discussed and practiced the 'Example mapping' method. Also nice that we had a pdf (from a website) that the trainer created with a lot of information.
Osman Chalaby - Vanderlande
Kurz - Cucumber: Implementing Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Cucumber
Trainer subject knowledge and rapport with the audience and also his patience
Sarthak Gupta - Wolters Kluwer TAA Europe CS&O C.V.
Kurz - Protractor: End-to-end testing for Angular web applications
The One on One session is amazing!! And thankful that the trainer's skills are Excellent and his willingness to share them to the fullness. I am very satisfied. . with the training and I wouldn't have wish to have done it anywhere else. I would only wish that I had One day longer for the training.
Isaac Nyembo - Bechtle Clouds GmbH
Kurz - Advanced Selenium
Luke was very knowledgeable, patient, and very open to satisfy my curiosity, for example I asked him to generate errors to see how system will response, etc. He would go above and beyond to answer questions or demonstrate the functionalities, even some of my questions were out of the class scope. He gave me a real experience with the system. I definitely will take another class with him and recommend him as a teacher for others. Thank you Luke!.
Tina Henderson
Kurz - Test Automation with Selenium and Jenkins
I thought the pacing was perfect. Good amount of interaction considering it was done over the computer. Lots of interaction available by connecting to a virtual machine and following along. Thought the project we completed had very clean code and gave me a good idea of how something like this should be compiled. Will be able to apply what I learned to the workplace.
Chris Dingwell - STI Technologies
Kurz - Introduction to Selenium
Kristin was a very good trainer. He adjusted his training to our levels and explained very clearly and structured. The training was very interesting and well organized. I liked the teaching style.
Annett Edom
Kurz - Selenium for Victims of Manual Testing
I generally was benefit from the detail and examples shown.
Timothy Walton
Kurz - Selenium WebDriver Overview
I liked the small group, 1 on 1 attention. Felt comfortable asking questions.