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Introduction to Cosmos Framework
14 hodinyBitcoin for Developers
14 hodinyInternet of Things and Blockchain
7 hodinyBlockchain Architecture
21 hodinyBlockchain - Theory and Practice
7 hodinyBlockchain for Banking
14 hodinyBlockchain for Developers
14 hodinyBlockchain Development with Coinbase
21 hodinyBlockchain for Entrepeneurs and Managers
14 hodinyBlockchain for Financial Bodies
14 hodinyBlockchain for Medical
14 hodinyBlockchain for Telecom
7 hodinyPython and Blockchain
28 hodinyCrypto Currencies and the Blockchain
7 hodinyCertified Blockchain Architect
35 hodinyCryptocurrency Investigation
21 hodinyBlockchain: Hyperledger Fabric
14 hodinyIoT and Blockchain
7 hodinyRipple for Financial Managers
7 hodinyEthereum for Developers
21 hodinyBlockchain: Launch Your First DApp
7 hodinyMultiChain: Set Up a Private Blockchain
14 hodinyBlockchain Development with Stellar
21 hodinyRipple for Developers
14 hodinyHyperledger Fabric for Beginners
7 hodinyLast Updated:
Trenér vysvětlil velmi jasným způsobem.
Abel - si
Kurz - Blockchain - Theory and Practice
Machine Translated
Patrick did a great job of striking a balance between covering all the prepared material while making time to give detailed answers to any questions from the group
Mick Mccarthy - Rakuten Blockchain Lab
Kurz - Ethereum for Developers
This topic is better with F2F, but this online training is still handled well . The important thing is the trainees were able to have understanding of Hyperledger Indy
OMAR BIN MUSA - UNITAR International University
Kurz - Blockchain: Hyperledger Indy for Identity Management
Trainer knows very well the subject. He try to give a lot of examples in order that we understand "how" it is working. He answer to all questions raised. Very available.
christel salve - BICS
Kurz - Blockchain for Telecom
Pan Chen má spoustu znalostí a zkušeností v doméně blockchainu. Líbily se mi sekce, o kterých byl ochoten se mnou diskutovat na některých skutečných scénářích. Měl velmi jasný pohled na otázky a dal mi různé rady/návrhy, které jsem měl ve skutečném případě. Neprodával své nápady, ale vedl mě, abych porozuměl této nové technologii z různých úhlů pohledu, vysvětlováním výhod a nevýhod pro každou situaci.
Hailiang Shi
Kurz - Ripple Blockchain for Financial Companies
Machine Translated
I liked the practical exercises on Solidity and Chain.com.
ChanSittya Toung
Kurz - Blockchain Development: From Ethereum to Hyperledger
I genuinely enjoyed the mode of interaction.